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July 10, 2012


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Speaking as a top Obama aide, is there an argument for saying: Romney is incredibly rich and ruthless and we used to think that implied competence, but look at the world (banks)! These guys know how to get hold of money but they screwed the world up doing it.

(Romney could say, 'Hey, I was bloody efficient at earning money, and that was my only objective! I could also be bloody efficient at Presidenting!' but that seems unlikely.)

(I am not trying to make a reductive argument about the true nature of the banking crisis - just positing a storyline that Obama could be working with.)

Ian Leslie

I don't think rational arguments like this really work in politics - you have to tap into some existing current of emotion. And the fact is, people - esp. Americans - associate successful private businessmen with dynamism and effectiveness. I don't think the crash has changed that. For Obama to run against private enterprise would be disastrous.

I may be wrong but I don't think the anger at banks and bankers in America is anything like it is in the UK.

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