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July 29, 2010


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Barack Obama

Mr. Leslie -

My daughter and I just finished reading Marbury together. Both of us agreed we prefer posts with pictures.

It is a lovely blog - an elegant proof of transatlantic politics, and the power of ideas.

Thank you.


Writing letters to strangers and having them give a shit is clearly the best thing about being President.


Which is much more than can be said for Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Yann Martel's native land. Have a look at Martel's website: http://www.whatisstephenharperreading.ca/about/ in which he explains why he has pledged to send the Canadian PM a new book every 2 weeks, for as long as he remains in power...

Ian Leslie

Wow. Bless you Mr President, bless you!

Yes I saw that Sam, thanks; it strikes me as an oppressive act of passive-aggression on Martel's part. Not EVERYONE has to like books!

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