The New York Times has a must-read report on how Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab became radicalised. The second sentence from this extract is particularly striking:
In recent days, officials in Washington and London have said they are focusing on the possibility that his London years, including his possible contacts with radical Muslim groups in Britain, were decisive in turning him toward Islamic extremism. That view, if confirmed, would offer a stark reaffirmation that Britain, the United States’ closest ally, continues to pose a major threat to American security.
Towards the end of the report you'll find some explicit suggestions as to where and by whom UFA became indoctrinated (including a possible link to Major Hasan), information that probably won't be reported here because of our libel laws.
As hysterical as everyone is acting here in the US, we may have to ban you from entry to the US. I really don't understand it because no one died or was seriously hurt. I'm not convinced that the young man should have been put on the no-fly list based on his father's stmt like so many of these shrill people are.
Posted by: cat | January 02, 2010 at 09:13 AM
Thanks Cat, yes David Brooks was good on the over-reaction this week
Posted by: Marbury | January 02, 2010 at 02:44 PM