Joe Klein goes to a town hall meeting and is alarmed at the level of crazy in the room:
One woman said there were four known communists in the government and that she'd researched it on the internet. When I asked her afterwards, she said environmental adviser Van Jones, legal advisor Cass Sunstein (who was last spotted being excoriated by the left for supporting the FISA revisions), someone named Lloyd and she didn't remember the fourth. And wasn't it suspicious that Obama had all these czars working for him--that was a Russkie commie term, wasn't it? When I asked, the woman admitted that, among other things, she occasionally listened to William Bennett's conservative radio show. I pointed out that Bennett had once been the Drug Czar, appointed by Ronald Reagan.
He might also have pointed out that the Russian Czars didn't get on so well with the commies.
These people have been around for a long time. During the 1988 presidential primary season, I attended a GOP party meeting in Arizona where a woman told me, in all seriousness, that George H. W. Bush (then Veep, later President #41) was a communist agent, whose mind had been "captured and turned" by the Communists - either while he was US representative in China OR else when he was head of the CIA (which she "knew for a fact" had been set up graduates from Yale and Princeton who were KGB agents).
Posted by: peter | September 04, 2009 at 01:33 PM
Obama green jobs czar Van Jones is clearly not a Communist. That's why he signed this petition by the "Revolutionary Communist Party, USA":
Nope, no Communists here.
Posted by: Account Deleted | September 04, 2009 at 03:49 PM
made my afternoon but did you hear Glenn Beck on Commie buildings
Posted by: THX1138 | September 04, 2009 at 03:50 PM