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February 05, 2009


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I get Trippi's point, especially about the far-flung reach of Republican Stone-Agers (a redundant phrase, n'est-ce pas?), but at risk of muting his otherwise-excellent simile, one might wonder what happened to the Old Executive Office Building, one door over on Pennsylvania Avenue? It's officially home to the Veep's offices, but nothing should stop any essential executive over-flow from segueing into that rather large building.

Also, the West Wing's relatively primitive setting never diminished outreach of Dubya's agenda -- hell, we invaded Iraq based on mis-information disseminated from that space. So something else if going on. MSM's obsession with various Presidential appointees' (even withdrawn ones') old tax records, perhaps? It's so much simpler to re-hash the easy-to-understand-and-report-on topic of tax pecadilloes than it is to wade through stimulus bill minutiae. And appointee imbroglios make for more exciting news than -- yawn -- describing the appropriations details of a bill, albeit a bill that will either save or sink the United States (and with it, the rest of the world)!

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