Henry Kissinger is the latest Republican to fall for Obama's charms. In a piece for the Washington Post today he waxes lyrical over the president-elect's choice of national security team:
President-elect Barack Obama has appointed an extraordinary team for national security policy. On its face, it violates certain maxims of conventional wisdom: that appointing to the Cabinet individuals with an autonomous constituency, and who therefore are difficult to fire, circumscribes presidential control; that appointing as national security adviser, secretary of state and secretary of defense individuals with established policy views may absorb the president's energies in settling disputes among strong-willed advisers. It took courage for the president-elect to choose this constellation and no little inner assurance -- both qualities essential for dealing with the challenge of distilling order out of a fragmenting international system. In these circumstances, ignoring conventional wisdom may prove to have been the precondition for creativity.
By contrast, the entertainingly loopy Melanie Phillips is refusing to be seduced. She still believes that Obama is plotting to unleash a Marxist revolution upon the Republic. Be afraid.
The current administrations of the USA and the UK have just undertaken the nationalization of the means of exchange, and the US administration is considering the nationalization of the means of production in the auto industry. And Melanie Phillips is worried about a Marxist occupying the Oval Office? Hello?!
Posted by: peter | December 05, 2008 at 09:41 PM