Dick Cheney, prince of darkness, king of evil, is not renowned for his sense of humour. But I'll be darned if he hasn't just made two pretty good, and appropriately mordant, jokes in recent weeks.
The first one was in a speech at a Washington gala:
Cheney said he’s been musing about his public image and asked his wife if she minded that people call him “Darth Vader.”
“Not at all, it humanizes you,” he said she responded.
The second one is reported to have been made in a meeting that Obama's new chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel held earlier this month with 12 former occupants of his role. Emmanuel wanted to gather all the advice he could on how to run the White House. Cheney was there because he was Gerald Ford's chief of staff.
The most important thing,” Dick Cheney told Emanuel with a sober stare, “is that you have to control your vice-president.”
At least, I think that one was a joke.
Hat tip: Comment Central.
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