One of the jarring moments from yesterday's McCain-Palin event was when Palin gave a shout-out to Hillary Clinton. Like much about the whole thing this was so transparently political as to be embarrassing. You know, I have a feeling that Hillary Clinton's supporters voted for her because she's Hillary Clinton; it's not a case of any woman will do. Besides, as Nate Silver points out, the Republicans are dangerously close to evoking a deep-seated gender taboo: resentment of the younger, prettier, less qualified woman replacing the older one.
Let's remind ourselves of possibly the most glorious debate zinger ever. Lloyd Bentsen to Dan Quayle in 1988's VP debate:
Now let's imagine this year's VP debate...
Palin: You know, with all respect to Senator Biden, I have to say that, like millions of other women, I was disappointed Barack Obama didn't choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate. That would have sent a truly powerful signal. I am honoured that John McCain put his faith in me, and I hope that I can carry on the work that Hillary Clinton began, and smash that glass ceiling.
Biden: Governor, I know Hillary Clinton. I've worked with Hillary Clinton for over twenty years. Hillary Clinton is one of the most accomplished people in this country, man or woman. Governor Palin: I respect what you have achieved in your home state of Alaska. But, Governor, you are no Hillary Clinton.
(ps I should add, in Palin's defence, that she clearly ain't no Dan Quayle)