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March 16, 2008


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In Britain you don't have a black running to be PM. It makes a difference. Hidden and semi-hidden tensions come to the surface when the top prize is involved.

Also, the recent round of "offensive" remarks actually have been offensive. What Gerry Ferraro said was pretty gamy. What Jeremiah Wright had to say was guaranteed to outrage 95.5% of Americans. Funny as Kinsley's column was, it should have come out a month or so ago.


See, right here is the problem. You say that Wright's speech was 'outrageous' according to most people's standards. I agree. But that's not the same as 'offensive'. The word offensive implies a personal insult. You can take it personally if you wish (as in, 'I am personally offended that he should say such things') or you can declare it to be wrong in no uncertain terms.

Unfortunately the line between what's offensive and what is simply wrong or unacceptable or outrageous has been blurred to the point of invisibility. And yes, it makes a difference: it personalises the whole discourse, gives that touchy, whiny flavour which is tediously apparent in these exchanges between the candidates.

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